Thursday, January 14, 2010

Weird Nightmare Blogspot Why Do I Have These Weird Nightmare-dreams?

Why do i have these weird nightmare-dreams? - weird nightmare blogspot


I usually only dream about happy things, but lately I have had very strange dreams or nightmares ..

In dreams, in a rule with a few friends at the party or in a place, not always in real life. Strange things that are my friends or people I know, no face ..
I spoke with a certain tone, and people make fun of them, like they know something about me that I did not.
I am also more aggressive and uninformed (confusion) on awakening, they are often involved in fights in strange dream .. Never in my daily life and the beginning of the parties or fight anybody because I do not want any problems, just want to have a good time.

But now I feel like someone thinking Hassels busy, or things that do not want me repeatively straightforward, I (that is) very new, and they could not beat Outta Hell, it wouldnt bother me anymore.

What does this mean? I am more psychiopath without identity?


  1. Wow. Well, perhaps too much emphasis on trying to keep the peace and happiness to every body. Maybe you have people go over their limits, maybe you need to have limits. Perhaps you are filling feelings you should have resolved and those feelings have built up to a point where they feel are to use. It would be good to speak with a counselor and see if you have a constructive manner can be determined to find borders and speak for himself before placing a point where you feel out of my hand to reach to come. Then say this is extremely rare that you probably would not hurt to have a control which may reflect a kind of chemical imbalance ....

  2. If you see strange dreams or nightmares occur, usually means that your subconscious trying to solve something that happens in their daily lives.

    Aggressiveness means that you anger in my stomach, waking not yet in a position, whether or not they are in your life, lots of activity.

    Dig deep. Ask what is happening today. Is there a special situation that bother you or you're helpless? If you are under pressure against their will? Did you develop any idea?

    These are some questions to ask.

  3. Dreams are three, the prophet of God, even everyday concerns, events, etc.. and the devil. The latter are the ones you have. Accompanying is a devil whispering in his mind the images we see in the night and asked him to get annoyed, if not different, that something you do regret it later. Then, these demons are laughing at Companions. Pay attention to his anger, leading to a decline.

  4. Now you can through a stressful time in your life. This tension builds up inside and you're not sure how to deal with it. When increasing the stress, we tend to look more aggressive.
    You may feel as if the people behind your back, or even funny to make you talk. This feeling is caused by stress. The construction of aggression and stress because of fighting in his dream. You have these dreams of stress release for the mind.
    No, you're not a faceless psyciopath. In fact, quite normal.
